Uprooted Vegan Cuisine offers healthy, plant-based meals in the CSRA

Jenn Kraus of Uprooted Vegan

Perfectly timed with our 4th Birthday, The Post and Courier just published an article on Uprooted. A couple weeks ago I met up with @biancamoorman from the @postandcourier for our interview. She has crafted the perfect synopsis of the how and why behind my drive for sharing vegan dishes with the region and beyond.

We have been featured in…

South Carolina Voyager

South Carolina Voyager

The South Carolina Voyager published this article on Jenn Kraus, the founder and head chef at Uprooted Vegan. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Augusta Good News

Augusta Good News

The Augusta Good News shared my story and how Uprooted Vegan Cuisine offers specialized meal choices. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

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